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View the 2017-2021 Report on Incidents of Discrimination, 讨厌 和偏见 on the UNH Campus







永利app新版本官网地址 has been advancing and supporting diversity, 股本, 以及多年来的包容性努力. UNH is committed to building and nurturing an environment of inclusive excellence where all students, 教师, 员工也能茁壮成长, 不管他们的背景如何. Full transparency and accountability are important variables in advancing the work of diversity and inclusion. 像这样, the 社区公平办公室, and 多样性 (OCED) is sharing data regarding reported incidents of discrimination, 讨厌, 和偏见. This is UNH’s first public report on discrimination, 讨厌, and bias. Each fiscal year, OCED will update the report to keep community members abreast of current trends.

As it relates to the presented data, it is important to keep the following in mind:

1. What is reflected is data reported to the 公民权利 and 股本的办公室 (CREO). 更全面的数据(i.e., data reported to both CREO and 住宅生活) will be represented in next year’s report for fiscal year 2022.

2. Bias and discrimination may occur that community members choose not to report.

3. 的 current data represents all three UNH campuses, i.e. 达勒姆,曼彻斯特和康科德.

4.  的 current data reflects reports provided by students, 教师, and staff.

5. 的 data is nuanced and includes different levels and types of discrimination and bias that have been reported each fiscal year. 例如, the data may reflect incidents ranging from inappropriate or offensive language in music played loudly enough for others to hear to drawings of body parts posted to community bulletin boards to direct and targeted bias and/or discrimination based on individual identity(ies), 外观, 或口音. This data should be used in conjunction with the most recent UNH 校园气候调查 校园气候调查 Findings | 社区, 股本 and 多样性  2月26日, 2019年和4月5日, 2019 along with other data points to form a more complete understanding of UNH’s climate and related trends.

6. Bias and/or 讨厌 Incidents represent those reports that are generically unidentifiable and were not directed towards a specific person, but that provide disparaging opinions about protected class status. A racial slur written on a bathroom wall or a disparaging post on social media about people with physical disabilities are some examples.  

7. Discrimination and Discriminatory Harassment reflect reports where bias or 讨厌 is targeted towards a specific person or persons based on their identity(ies) in a protected class. 的 person or persons are named or are directly on the receiving end. 的se types of bias or 讨厌 reports tend to occur in-person/face-to-face or specifically name an individual if not face-to-face. 例如, calling a specific person a derogatory name because of their sexual orientation.

8. 的 data reflected in the “Incident Details” bar graph for fiscal year 2021 includes 32 incidents coded as Discrimination and Discriminatory Harassment. This specific subcategory was disaggregated beginning with fiscal year 2021 and will be disaggregated moving forward to help differentiate generalized bias reports from targeted bias reports.

9. 的 “Incident Description” can be more than one for each incident. 例如, if a community member experienced bias in the form of something posted to a chat or discussion board in an online class, that person may file a report and describe the incident as “online,”“写,和“威胁”.” 

的 table below offers UNH campus population density during each fiscal year represented by the bias data. It includes combined numbers for all 3 campuses. 的 totals for students include undergraduate and graduate students. 教师 and staff data include both full time and part time employees and are based on IPEDS reporting.






















Report on the Uncivil, 讨厌 和偏见 Incidents on Campus Survey conducted through the LEAD Fund discusses incidents of bias across US college campuses. 的 report may be helpful for a comparative interpretation of the UNH data and can be accessed via this link  (aa.org)

If you are interested in learning more about the data provided in the UNH Report on Incidents of Discrimination, 讨厌, 和偏见, or UNH’s commitment towards building an inclusive, 欢迎, and diverse campus community and related initiatives, 博士联系. 纳丁小, 首席多元化官, Associate Vice President for Division of 多样性, 股本, 及纳入 纳丁.petty@elnclub.com 或致电(603)862-1058.